Money Matters

Payment Methods  

Payments by cash or cheque can be made at the school office for any transactions.  We prefer large payments are made via internet banking.

Bus payments can be made via internet banking to the Bus Account, or a named envelope can be passed to Michael, our driver, or to Jo at the office.

Internet banking: 

        Payee: Kaitoke School BOT

        Bank: ASB

        General Account:  12-3163-0154120-00

NOTE: Our bus has a separate bank account number!

Payee: Kaitoke School BOT

Bank: ASB 

Bus account: 12-3163-0154120-01


Sports and Technology fees

Technology fees are set by Cullinane College annually.  We will invoice you in Term One each year.

Sports fees are set by each sports club.  We will invoice you when it is fee payment time.

School trips and events

We try to give you as much warning as possible for any school trips and events.  

School trips will generally be covered by the school.  However, you may be asked for a donation towards school camps.  This is voluntary.  

School Donations

We have opted into the Governments School Donation Scheme so you will not be asked for a school donation.